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Preschool Curriculum and Activities
- Creative Curriculum - Aligned with Ohio Early Learning and Development standards, Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features hands-on, project-based investigations as a pathway to learning.
- Handwriting without Tears - Curriculum supports fine motor development and includes multisensory components critical for engaging visual, audio and kinesthetic learners.
- My Big World – Curriculum addresses current events in the community through social study and science related experiences.
- Active Learning - Curriculum includes a philosophy and learning approach used with children who have multiple physical and intellectual conditions.
We recognize each child develops at their own individual pace. To provide feedback and promote development, children are assessed in a variety of ways:
- IEP Progress Report
- Early Learning Assessment (ELA)
- GOLD Assessment
- Music Therapy: Weekly sessions are provided by Beyond Words INC and are designed to be developmentally appropriate for anyone.
- Reading with Ranger: Park rangers read and introduce one animal a month to students.
- Eco Explorers: A mobile outreach vehicle specifically designed to bring environmental programs to students.