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Preschool FAQs
How do I register my child?
Our clients can either be referred to us by physicians, community agencies or parents. The child’s Case Manager takes the registration. The Case Manager will gather some basic information about your child and his/her visual impairment (if applicable) and describe available services. The total process takes about 10-15 minutes. During the phone registration, you will schedule a visit in our preschool and then you will receive an enrollment packet.
If you have not been referred to us but would like to inquire about our services, please contact CSC directly at 216-791-8118 and the front desk will transfer you to the Children’s Services Department.
What is the IEP process?
If your child has a visual impairment and has been found eligible for special education and related services the school district of residence is responsible for providing Free Appropriate Public Education. Upon eligibility the School district also develops the first Individual Education Plan known as the IEP. Part of the IEP process is to determine appropriate placement for a child. Cleveland Sight Center's Preschool is a potential choice that is rich in resources and experts. Parents can indicate their preference for their child being placed with us. Cleveland Sight Center's Preschool will accept the student with his/her IEP and makes amendments to it, if necessary. Parents will receive quarterly progress reports and work with our team towards mastering the goals. Annual IEP meetings are led by our preschool team in collaboration with their home school district.
What does my child need to know before coming to preschool? 
There are no requirements for children with special needs – we are here to address them. If your child is enrolling as a peer role model – we require he /she is potty trained, able to communicate verbally and be understood by most people, and is able to feed him/herself. Your child should also be able to separate from you and spend some time away from their closest family members.
Is there a remote option?
One of the most important skills to be taught while in preschool are social skills. Our preschool goes above and beyond to provide a multisensory approach to include a variety of activities, peer modeling, repetition, and practice embedded in to the classroom routine. Therefore, we can provide the most effective instruction when children participate in person in the classroom. Remote learning / teaching takes place only if we are forced by authorities to do so due to special circumstances.
Do you require vaccinations?
Each child's caretaker parent shall provide a medical statement, indicating that the child has been immunized against or is in the process of being immunized against all of the following diseases:
Chicken pox, Diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Pneumococcal disease, Poliomyelitis, Rotavirus, Rubella, Tetanus.
Can my child be a peer role model?
Peer model candidates serve as role models and helpers for students who have special needs. Children should be 3 years old by August 15 of the current school year to apply. Peer models must have average to above average speech/language, social, and cognitive skills to be considered.